45 Japan Pictures That Will Make You Want To Travel

by David & Intan

We take thousands of Japan pictures every time we visit the country. It’s a photographer’s paradise.

In Tokyo city, every detail will make you want to whip out your camera, from the shiny bullet trains to the well preserved temples, to the weird souvenirs and confectioneries.

But the highlight for me would have to be the Kyoto and Osaka prefectures, where you can see incredible fall colors and dig into the best cultural sights, like ancient temples and Samurai castles.

Hopefully these Japan pictures inspire you to visit this amazing country!

Japan Pictures samurai museum

The Samurai Museum in Tokyo has some great swords and armor on display.

Japan Pictures matsumoto castle

Matsumoto Castle is one of the best Samurai fortresses in Japan. It was built in the 1500s, and today it’s listed as a National Treasure.

Japan Pictures matsumoto castle

One of my favorite Japan images from our last trip. This iconic red bridge is one of the best photo spots at Matsumoto Castle.

Japan Pictures snow monkeys

Gang of Japanese snow monkeys. If you visit Tokyo in the winter, you have to go see the snow monkeys at Nagano! It’s a must!

Japan Pictures snow monkey

Baby snow monkey, lost in thought, contemplating monkey life. This might be my favorite Japan picture from any of our trips.


A snowy mountain village in winter. This is one of the views you’ll see if you hike to the Snow Monkey Park in Nagano.


A sleek and sexy bullet train (‘shinkansen’) in Tokyo. These trains are a joy to ride, and they can go hundreds of miles per hour.


Kawasaki isn’t just a motorcycle brand. This is the Kawasaki Daishi Temple near Tokyo.


Haven’t you always wanted Japanese Godzilla boxers?!


A row of artistic paper fans for sale at Sensoji Temple in Tokyo.


Japanese candy is very different. Mochi and Daifuku (pictured) might weird you out at first, but this stuff grows on you!


Sensoji Temple in Asakusa is one of my favorite Japan picture spots. It’s the oldest and most popular temple in Tokyo.


Soft serve ice cream is always sold at the tourist sights, and so is matcha (green tea). There’s a matcha flavor of everything in Japan.


A familiar face in Akihabara, Tokyo.


Is that the Triforce of power?!


More quirkiness. Little praying statues at Hase-Dera Temple in Kamakura.


Himeji Castle is the biggest and best remaining Samurai castle in Japan. This is one of the top things to see in the Osaka area.


Sunlight peeking behind Himeji Castle.


Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is one of the popular tourist sights in west Kyoto.


Welcome to Osaka! Dotonbori street is the best place to go for nightlife. It’s legendary for food and shopping.

Big Tuna Fish Dotonbori Market

A fish salesman in Dotonbori preparing to cut up a massive tuna fish.


Famous electronic billboards at the Dotonbori riverside. Osaka in general is a great place to take Japan pictures.


We miss Takoyaki! These are fried octopus balls and you can buy them at most of the tourist sights in Japan.


The bright orange Torii gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto.


Kinkakuji Temple (also known as the Golden Pavilion) probably takes the cake for the nicest looking temple in Japan.


The best time to photograph Kinkakuji is in the morning when the wind is low and you get reflections on the pond. Sadly it was extremely windy when we visited, so no reflection.


Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto is one of the most famous Japan photo spots.


Japan has incredible fall colors.


Japanese maple in mid-November.


Trees on fire.


Enjoying the fall colors at Kiyomizudera Temple.


Intan had a blast doing the Kimono rental in Kyoto. Bali’s samurai woman!


Uji is a small city outside of Kyoto with some of its own temples. This is Byodoin Temple, and strangely it has a twin building in Hawaii that looks just like it.


A random temple we passed while strolling through the Higashiyama area. I later found out the name of this one is Kenninji.


Yasaka Pagoda in Higashiyama ward. The traditional looking buildings here make it one of Kyoto’s most famous neighborhoods.


Sunlight shining through the orange leaves.


Autumn rainbow. One of our favorite Japan images from the 2019 fall colors.


Yellow tree in Uju, Kyoto prefecture.


Kimono rental in Tokyo! This is Japan’s traditional dress.


My wife rented a kimono in Tokyo and we headed over to the famous Shibuya Crossing. Perfect photo spot!


There are lots of Kimono rental shops in Tokyo and Kyoto where you can rent Japanese dresses like this.


Cheesing at Shibuya Crossing.


Todaiji Temple in Nara is the biggest wooden building in the world. It’s also one of the oldest in Japan.


Nara Deer Park has hundreds of friendly deer roaming around the temple areas, and they’re not scared of people at all.


Looking over the moat at Matsumoto Castle.


My Camera Gear

Thanks for looking! I hope you enjoyed these Japan pictures.

Wondering what type of camera, drone, or other gear I use?

I’ve put together a list of My Camera & Travel Photography Essentials to help you get started!

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Alice April 19, 2020 - 8:25 pm

The photos are lovely am most attracted to the monkeys and fall flowersโค๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜Š

David April 19, 2020 - 10:47 pm

Thanks! Snow monkeys are great!


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